Do Tongue Scrapers Help Bad Breath? A Dentist Explains

Yes, tongue scrapers help bad breath by effectively removing bacteria, food debris, and dead cells from the surface of your tongue, which are common contributors to bad breath.

By regularly scraping your tongue as part of your oral hygiene routine, you can significantly reduce the buildup of odor-causing bacteria which can lead to fresher breath throughout the day. However, I should note that while tongue scraping is effective at treating bad breath, it may not address all of its potential underlying causes, such as:

  • smoking

  • tooth decay and cavities

  • and certain medical conditions.

These factors can also contribute to bad breath and addressing them may require additional measures beyond tongue scraping, such as quitting smoking or making an appointment with your dentist for a cavity treatment.

Regardless, tongue scraping is an essential part of a comprehensive oral care routine, and you should do it at least once per day before brushing and flossing.

In this article, I'll explain everything you need to know about how to use tongue scraping to fight bad breath.

What are tongue scrapers?

A tongue scraper

tongue scraper is a small, handheld tool designed to remove bacteria, food debris, and dead cells from the surface of your tongue. It typically consists of a thin, curved metal or plastic head with a textured surface and a handle for easy grip.

Tongue scrapers come in various shapes and sizes, but they all serve the same purpose of improving oral hygiene by cleaning your tongue and removing tongue coating. Using a tongue scraper is a simple and effective way to reduce bad breath, reduce bacteria buildup, and promote overall oral health.

How does tongue scraping work?

Tongue scraping works by physically removing bacteria, food particles, and dead cells that accumulate on the surface of our tongues throughout the day or overnight.

Essentially, you glide the tongue scraper, typically made of metal or plastic, along the surface of your tongue from the back to the front, effectively scraping off the buildup.

This process helps to eliminate the source of bad breath and reduces the risk of bacterial growth in our mouths. By incorporating tongue scraping into your daily oral care routine, you can promote fresher breath and better overall oral health.

What causes bad breath?

A man smelling his breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be caused by various factors, including:

  • poor oral hygiene

  • bacterial buildup on your teeth, gums, and tongue

  • dry mouth

  • certain foods and beverages

  • smoking

  • medical conditions such as gum disease, tooth decay, or respiratory infections

  • and systemic diseases like diabetes or liver or kidney problems.

In this section, we'll walk through some of the key causes of bad breath and whether tongue scraping can help.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene is a common cause of bad breath. When you don't properly clean your mouth, you allow food particles to remain in your mouth which promotes bacterial growth and leads to bad breath.

Evidence suggests bacteria buildup on your teeth, gums, and tongue can produce sulfur compounds that contribute to halitosis. Tongue scraping can help alleviate bad breath by removing bacteria and food debris from the surface of your tongue, reducing the source of odor-causing compounds.

Dry Mouth

Experts suggest dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, can also contribute to bad breath as saliva helps cleanse our mouths by washing away food particles and bacteria.

Tongue scraping may provide temporary relief by removing bacteria from the tongue's surface, but you'll have to address the underlying cause of dry mouth, such as dehydration or medication side effects, to manage halitosis.

Certain Foods and Beverages

Certain foods and beverages, such as

  • garlic

  • onions

  • coffee

  • and alcohol

can produce strong odors that linger in the mouth and contribute to bad breath.

While tongue scraping can help remove food particles and bacteria from the tongue's surface, it may not completely eliminate the odor caused by consuming these foods and beverages.

When you eat these foods, try rinsing with water or using alcohol free mouthwash after eating as this can help neutralize odors and freshen your breath.


Smoking is another common cause of bad breath, as tobacco products can leave behind terrible-smelling residues in your mouth and throat.

Now, tongue scraping may help reduce bad breath by removing bacteria and debris from your tongue's surface, but quitting smoking overall is essential for addressing the root cause of bad breath.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, or cavities, can also contribute to bad breath as bacteria break down food particles trapped in the teeth, producing bad odors.

While tongue scraping can help remove bacteria from your tongue's surface, addressing tooth decay requires proper dental care, including regular brushing, flossing, and checking in with your dentist. Treating cavities promptly can help prevent further bacterial buildup and reduce bad breath.

Can tongue scraping actually get rid of bad breath?

A woman using tongue scraper

Yes, tongue scraping can help get rid of bad breath. By removing the bacteria and debris that accumulate on the surface of our tongues throughout the day, tongue scraping can significantly reduce the source of bad breath.

Bacteria on your tongue's surface can produce volatile sulfur compounds, which are one of the primary causes of bad breath. By regularly scraping the tongue, you can effectively remove these odor-causing bacteria, leading to fresher breath.

However, we should note that tongue scraping should be part of a comprehensive oral hygiene routine that includes brushing with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste, flossing with expandable floss, and using herbal mouthwash for fresh breath and a healthy mouth.

Further, if the cause of your chronic bad breath is smoking or a cavity, you'll have to address the root of the issue rather than trying to treat it superficially with tongue cleaning methods. If you're experiencing a cavity, be sure to check in with your dentist about the best treatment options.

Benefits of Tongue Scraping

Metal tongue scrapers offer several benefits for our oral health. Let's walk through some of the most important ones now.

Removes Bacteria and Dead Cells

Tongue scraping is one of the most effective methods for eliminating bacteria, food debris, and dead cells from the surface of your tongue. By gently scraping your tongue, you can remove these kinds of impurities that contribute to bad breath and other potential oral health issues.

Reduces Bad Breath

Tongue scraping is an effective method for reducing bad breath by removing bacteria, food particles, and debris that accumulate on our tongues throughout the day. These impurities can harbor odor-causing compounds and contribute to halitosis.

By regularly scraping the tongue, you can significantly reduce the presence of these compounds, leading to fresher breath. In addition to scraping your tongue, you can also consider using herbal mouthwash to freshen your breath.

Improves Taste

Improving taste perception is another key benefit of tongue scraping. Over time, a buildup of bacteria and debris on the tongue can dull taste buds and diminish your ability to fully experience flavors. By removing this buildup, tongue scraping restores the sensitivity of our taste buds, allowing for a more enjoyable eating experience.

Enhances Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Tongue scraping is an ideal step to include in your daily oral hygiene routine as it removes harmful bacteria from your tongue before flossing and brushing.

Since tongue scraping isn't enough to prevent tooth decay and remove plaque from along the gumline, be sure to brush your teeth with toothpaste tablets twice a day, use expandable floss daily, and use alcohol free mouthwash as needed.

Freshens Breath

Tongue scraping not only reduces bad breath but also freshens your breath by eliminating odor-causing bacteria and debris from the surface of your tongue. This process removes the source of foul odors in the mouth, resulting in a noticeably fresher and cleaner breath.

May Decrease Risk of Periodontal Disease

Because halitosis is correlated with periodontal disease, regularly tongue scraping may reduce your risk of periodontal disease by removing bacteria and debris that can contribute to gum inflammation and infection.

By maintaining a healthier oral microbiome and reducing plaque and tartar buildup, tongue scraping supports gum health and helps prevent the progression of periodontal disease. While further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between tongue scraping and periodontal health, this practice shows promising potential as a preventive measure against gum disease.

Convenient and Accessible

Incorporating tongue scraping into your daily oral care routine is quick, easy, and convenient. It requires minimal time and effort but provides significant benefits, making it an excellent addition to your existing dental hygiene practices.

How to Tongue Scrape Properly

To use a tongue scraper effectively, follow these simple steps:

  1. Prepare the Tongue Scraper: Before brushing your teeth, hold the tongue scraper with both hands, ensuring that the scraping edges are facing downward and away from your tongue.

  2. Position the Scraper: Extend your tongue out of your mouth as far as comfortably possible. Place the rounded edge of the scraper at the back of your tongue, near your throat, ensuring that it covers as much surface area as possible.

  3. Scrape Your Entire Tongue: With gentle pressure, slowly pull the scraper forward along the surface of your tongue toward the tip. Avoid pressing too hard to prevent irritation or discomfort. Repeat this scraping motion several times, covering the entire surface of the tongue.

  4. Rinse the Scraper: After each scraping pass, make sure to rinse the scraper under running warm water to remove any debris or residue. You can also wipe it clean with a tissue or cloth if necessary.

  5. Repeat as Needed: Continue scraping your tongue until no more residue is removed, typically around 5-10 scraping passes. Be sure to focus on the center and back areas of the tongue, where bacteria and debris tend to accumulate most.

  6. Clean the Scraper: Once you've finished scraping your tongue, thoroughly clean the scraper with soap and water or an alcohol-based solution to prevent bacterial buildup between uses.

Finally, after tongue scraping, make sure to use expanding flosstoothpaste tablets, and alkaline mouthwash to thoroughly clean your mouth and remove any other remaining bacteria.

How often should you scrape your tongue?

A man using tongue scraper

For optimal oral hygiene and fresher breath, dentists recommend tongue scraping at least once a day, preferably in the morning, after brushing your teeth.

However, if you notice persistent bad breath throughout the day or if your tongue feels coated, you may benefit from scraping your tongue more frequently, such as after meals or before important social events.

Just remember to use gentle pressure when scraping to avoid irritation or injury to the delicate tissues of your tongue. If you start to experience any irritation or soreness from tongue scraping too frequently, reduce how often you tongue scrape until you find a cadence that works for you.

When should I tongue scrape?

You should ideally tongue scrape at least once a day, preferably in the morning after brushing your teeth. However, if you notice persistent bad breath throughout the day or if your tongue feels coated, you may benefit from scraping your tongue more frequently, such as after meals, before important social events, or before bed.

Many people prefer to scrape their tongues twice per day before brushing teeth. Just remember to pair tongue scraping with brushing and flossing to keep your mouth in tip-top shape.

Side Effects of Tongue Scraping

While tongue scraping is generally safe and effective, it may cause minor side effects such as gagging, tongue irritation, and temporary soreness for some people. However, these risks are avoidable if you tongue scrapes gently and with a smooth-edged scraper.

It's essential to be mindful of proper technique and to listen to your body's cues to prevent any discomfort or adverse reactions. If you experience persistent issues or discomfort, you should discontinue tongue scraping and consult with a dental professional for further guidance.

Can I brush my tongue instead of using a tongue scraper?

Using a tongue scraper and brushing your tongue are both effective methods for removing bacteria and debris from the surface of your tongue, but tongue scraping is more effective.

Tongue scraping involves using a specialized tool, typically plastic tongue scrapers or stainless steel tongue scrapers, to gently remove buildup from the surface of your entire tongue. This method is particularly effective at removing the thick coating that can accumulate on our tongues throughout the day, leading to bad breath and potential oral health issues like gum disease.

On the other hand, brushing your tongue involves using your toothbrush to scrub the surface of the tongue during your regular brushing routine. While brushing can help remove some bacteria and debris, research shows tongue brushing is not as effective as tongue scraping at fighting bad breath and removing harmful bacteria.

Is tongue scraping enough?

While tongue scraping is an essential part of a comprehensive oral hygiene routine, it's not sufficient on its own to address all oral health concerns.

While tongue scraping helps remove bacteria and debris from the surface of the tongue, it's also essential to brush your teeth twice a day with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste, floss daily with expandable floss, and rinse with an alcohol-free mouthwash to ensure thorough cleaning and protection against dental problems.

Additionally, maintaining regular dental check-ups and cleanings with your dentist can help detect and address any underlying issues that tongue scraping alone may not resolve.

Other Tips to Support Your Dental Health

In addition to incorporating tongue scraping into your oral care routine, there are several other tips you can follow to improve your oral health.

Brush With Nano Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste

Brushing with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste is beneficial for strengthening tooth enamel, remineralization, and preventing and reversing tooth decay.

Nano hydroxyapatite is a natural mineral that makes up the majority of our tooth structure and has been shown to remineralize enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria.

By using toothpaste with nano hydroxyapatite, you can help protect your teeth from decay and maintain a healthy smile.

Use Expanding Floss Daily

Using expanding floss daily is essential for removing plaque and food particles from between your teeth and along the gumline. Expanding floss is designed to expand when it comes into contact with saliva, allowing it to clean more effectively between tight spaces and beneath the gumline.

By flossing daily, you can reduce your risk of demineralization and tooth decay, gum issues, and bad breath.

Avoid Smoking and Consuming Tobacco Products

Avoiding smoking and consuming tobacco products is crucial for maintaining good oral health. Tobacco use can lead to a wide range of dental problems, including stained teeth, bad breath, gum disease, and oral cancer.

Quitting smoking and avoiding other tobacco products can significantly improve your oral health and reduce your risk of developing serious dental issues in the future.

Swap Out Your Toothbrush Every 3 Months

Swapping out your toothbrush every three months is important for maintaining effective oral hygiene. Over time, toothbrush bristles can become worn and frayed, making them less effective at removing plaque and debris from your teeth and gums.

By replacing your toothbrush regularly, you ensure that you're using a tool that can clean your teeth effectively and help prevent oral health problems down the line.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do dentists recommend tongue scraping?
Yes, dentists often recommend using a tongue scraper as part of a comprehensive oral hygiene regimen. Tongue scraping helps remove bacteria, food debris, and dead cells from the surface of our tongues, which can otherwise contribute to bad breath and oral health issues if left untreated. By incorporating tongue scraping into your daily routine, you can improve breath freshness and promote better overall oral hygiene.

What is the disadvantage of using tongue scraper?
One potential disadvantage of using a tongue scraper is that it may cause irritation or discomfort if used too aggressively or if the scraper has sharp edges. Additionally, improper or excessive scraping could potentially damage the delicate surface of your tongue. However, when used correctly and gently, these risks are minimal. It's important to follow proper techniques and avoid overuse to minimize any potential drawbacks.

How do you clean your tongue for bad breath?
To clean your tongue for bad breath, you can use a tongue scraper by gently scraping the surface of your tongue from back to front to remove bacteria and food particles. Rinse your mouth thoroughly afterward. You can also use a alcohol free mouthwash containing antibacterial properties for added freshness. Remember to clean your tongue daily as part of your oral hygiene routine to help combat bad breath.

Does coated tongue cause bad breath?
Yes, a coated tongue can contribute to bad breath. The coating on the tongue can harbor bacteria, food particles, and dead cells, which can produce unpleasant odors leading to bad breath. Maintaining good oral hygiene, including regular tongue cleaning, can help prevent or reduce bad breath associated with a coated tongue.

Why does my breath stink even after brushing my tongue?
The reason your breath may still smell bad even after brushing your tongue is that brushing alone may not effectively remove the buildup causing the odor. Unlike a tongue scraper, which can more thoroughly scrape away bacteria, food particles, and dead cells, brushing may not reach all areas of the tongue's surface. As a result, some odor-causing substances may remain, contributing to persistent bad breath. It's recommended to use a tongue scraper in addition to brushing to more effectively clean the tongue and improve breath freshness.

SWIPE Tongue Scrapers
SWIPE Tongue Scrapers
SWIPE Tongue Scrapers
SWIPE Tongue Scrapers
SWIPE Tongue Scrapers
SWIPE Tongue Scrapers

SWIPE Tongue Scrapers

Regular price$15
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Bad breath got you down?
Stop swigging Listerine and eliminate bad breath at the source.
SWIPE your tongue and say goodbye to bacteria and food debris that make you wish you had a breath mint.
  • Rust-proof 100% stainless steel
  • Easy to use & clean
  • 3 unique shapes for all tongues
  • Convenient travel case
  • Plastic-free

It's time to ditch the plastic tongue scraper and say hello to freshest breath of your life.