Are You Supposed to Rinse After Mouthwash?

The question of whether to rinse after using mouthwash is a common one, and the answer largely depends on the type of mouthwash you're using and your dental health goals.

If you're using a therapeutic mouthwash, we recommend not to rinse immediately after use.

This allows the active ingredients to remain in contact with your teeth and gums for the desired therapeutic effect.

On the other hand, if you're using a cosmetic mouthwash, you can rinse after use as the primary goal is to freshen your breath and provide a pleasant taste.

Ultimately, the decision to rinse after mouthwash use is influenced by your specific oral care preferences and the type of mouthwash you choose.

In this article, we'll explain everything you need to know about how to use mouthwash and whether you should rinse afterward.

What is mouthwash?


Mouthwash is a liquid oral rinse designed to enhance your oral health by cleaning your mouth, freshening your breath, and providing additional protection against dental issues like cavities and gum disease.

Some mouthwashes use active ingredients like concentrated fluoride or alcohol to strengthen your teeth and kill harmful bacteria.

Regardless of the type of mouthwash you use, don't forget that you should still brush your teeth with fluoride-free toothpaste twice per day for two minutes for proper oral hygiene.

Why should you use mouthwash?

Swish Mouthwash

Depending on the specific ingredients in the formula, incorporating mouthwash into your daily oral care routine can offer many advantages like:

  • killing harmful bacteria

  • freshening breath

  • reducing plaque buildup

  • strengthening tooth enamel

  • providing relief from certain oral conditions

  • and supplementing brushing and flossing

Further, studies show that mouthwashes with active ingredients like concentrated fluoride or hydroxyapatite may help fight gum disease and prevent tooth decay.

Mouthwash can enhance your oral hygiene and is a more convenient practice than oil pulling.

Are you supposed to rinse after using mouthwash?

Mouth Rinse

The practice of rinsing after using mouthwash depends on the type of mouthwash you're using and your specific oral health goals.

If you're using a therapeutic mouthwash, dentists generally recommended not to rinse your mouth immediately after use.

This allows the active ingredients to remain in contact with your teeth and gums for the desired therapeutic effect.

If you're using cosmetic mouthwash, you can rinse after use because cosmetic mouthwash primarily focuses on freshening breath and providing a pleasant taste.

How to Use Mouthwash Properly


To use an oral rinse in your oral care routine after brushing your teeth, follow these steps:

  1. Pick up some SWISH Mouthwash.

  2. Measure out about 20mL of product.

  3. Swish and gargle for about 30 seconds.

  4. Spit it out.

  5. Avoid eating or drinking immediately afterward.

  6. Rinse with water (optional).

  7. Maintain consistency.

Using mouthwash is a straightforward process, but it's important to follow the proper steps to maximize its effectiveness and ensure your dental hygiene benefits.

Should you use mouthwash before or after brushing?

Mouth Rinse Before Vs After

In deciding when and how often to use mouthwash, the choice largely depends on your personal preferences and the desired outcome.

Let's explore the benefits of both options to help you make an informed decision.

Using Mouthwash Before Brushing

Using mouthwash before brushing is a common practice for many individuals and has advantages like:

  • Freshening breath

  • Loosening debris

  • Enhanced cleaning

However, we recommend using mouthwash after brushing for the best results.

Using Mouthwash After Brushing

Using mouthwash after brushing is also a valid choice, and it offers its own set of benefits:

  • Extended freshness

  • Continued antibacterial action

  • Reaching any spots missed by flossing and brushing

This is the method most dentists recommend.

How often should you use mouthwash?

Mouthwash Frequency

Determining the ideal frequency for using oral rinses is an important aspect of your oral care routine.

The appropriate usage of mouthwash depends on your specific oral health goals, the type of mouthwash you select, and guidance from your dentist.

Some mouthwashes are even safe for daily use, while others contain alcohol and should be used sparingly.

Using mouthwash as part of your daily routine, while ensuring you do not exceed the recommended dosage, can contribute to a healthier and more confident smile.

The Bottom Line: Should I rinse after mouthwash?

Rinse After Mouthwash?

Whether or not to rinse after using mouthwash depends on the type of mouthwash you're using.

Therapeutic mouthwash is typically more effective when not rinsed immediately, allowing the active ingredients to work overtime.

Cosmetic mouthwash, on the other hand, can be rinsed after use.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific oral care goals and comfort preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I eat or drink immediately after using mouthwash?

It's advisable to wait at least 30 minutes after using therapeutic mouthwash before eating or drinking to allow the active ingredients to work effectively. With cosmetic mouthwash, you can generally consume food or beverages immediately.

Can I use mouthwash if I have sensitive teeth or gums?

Yes, certain mouthwashes like SWISH Mouthwash are designed for individuals with sensitive teeth or gums. Consult your dentist for recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

Can mouthwash replace brushing and flossing?

Mouthwash should not replace brushing with toothpaste tablets and using expandable floss but should complement your oral hygiene routine instead. Regular brushing and flossing are essential for maintaining better oral health.

Can children use mouthwash, and if so, which type is suitable for them?

Children can use mouthwash, but it should be age-appropriate and alcohol-free. Supervision during use is recommended. Consult with your dentist for guidance on suitable children's mouthwash.

Can mouthwash help with bad breath?

Yes, mouthwash can help combat bad breath by killing odor-causing bacteria and providing a fresh taste. However, addressing the underlying cause of bad breath is essential for lasting results.

Swish Mouthwash
Swish Mouthwash
Swish Mouthwash
Swish Mouthwash
Swish Mouthwash
Swish Mouthwash
Swish Mouthwash
Swish Mouthwash
Swish Mouthwash
Swish Mouthwash

Swish Mouthwash

Regular price$20
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Immerse yourself in the revitalizing freshness of our latest formulation, Swish. A testament to biöm's unwavering commitment to holistic health and well-being. Harnessing the potent benefits of mother nature, our mouthwash combines science and nature's bounty to deliver a unique solution for impeccable oral hygiene and lasting fresh breath.

Bottled at 16 fl oz, our herbal mouthwash formula takes the best of what nature has to offer:

Neem and Licorice Extracts: Used for centuries in traditional medicine, these power-packed botanicals promote oral health by combating harmful bacteria and providing natural anti-inflammatory benefits.

Spearmint and Peppermint Essential Oils: Long-lasting freshness is no longer a dream. These cooling natural oils ensure you'll enjoy a pleasant, long-lasting minty freshness that truly invigorates.

Xylitol and Stevia: We've incorporated these natural sweeteners to provide an enjoyable, refreshing taste without any guilt – they actually help in maintaining a healthy pH balance in your mouth!

Aloe Vera Juice: Say goodbye to the harsh, drying effect of traditional mouthwashes. Our formula includes these natural moisturizing agents for a comfortable rinse that leaves your mouth feeling hydrated.

Not just that, our formula is as kind to the Earth as it is to your mouth:

❖ Free from harsh chemicals and artificial preservatives

❖ Cruelty-free and vegan

❖ Eco-friendly packaging


Shake well before use. Swish approximately one tablespoon of mouthwash in your mouth for about 30 seconds, then spit it out.

Experience the biöm difference today – because your oral health is a reflection of your overall wellness.