Can Remineralizing Toothpaste Heal Cavities?

While the initial stages of tooth demineralization can be stopped or reversed through remineralization, true cavities cannot be healed by remineralizing toothpaste.

The primary goal of remineralizing toothpaste is to help repair and strengthen weakened enamel by depositing essential minerals, such as calcium and phosphate, back into your teeth. Additionally, it aims to combat enamel erosion, a common issue that can lead to tooth decay if not addressed.

However, once a cavity has formed, it cannot be healed or reversed by toothpaste alone. At that point, professional dental treatment, such as fillings, is typically required to restore the tooth’s structure and prevent further decay.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about remineralizing toothpaste and its efficacy for treating cavities.

First, what is a cavity?

A woman holding tooth cavity model

Cavities, also known as dental caries, are common dental problems characterized by structural damage to the teeth. In fact, the World Health Organization reports they're the most common disease in the world!

This cavities occurs when bacteria in your mouth break down food particles, especially sugars and starches, producing acid that erodes the tooth enamel.

The American Dental Association (ADA) defines a cavity as a hole in a tooth caused by decay, and it can lead to tooth sensitivity, pain, and potentially even tooth loss if left untreated.

How do cavities form?

Cavities form due to complex interplay of factors within your oral microbiome. You see, we all have harmful bacteria naturally present in our mouths that form a sticky film called "dental plaque" on our teeth. When we consume sugary foods or acidic fruits, for example, the bacteria feeds on the sugars and then produces acid as a byproduct.

Then, the acid produced attacks our enamel, initiating a process that we call demineralization. Over time, demineralization leads to the initial stage of cavity formation which can result in the development of small openings in our enamel. The openings get progressively larger and eventually penetrate deeper into the tooth, causing symptoms like sensitivity and discomfort.

To reverse early stage of cavities, we use tools like nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste to stimulate a process called remineralization (aka the opposite of demineralization).

However, you cannot remineralize a cavity once it has progressed beyond tooth decay.

What causes cavities?

Demineralization and tooth decay are primarily caused by the interaction of acids with tooth enamel. These can be dietary acids or simply acids produced by the bad bacteria in our mouth.

Let's walk through some of the main causes of demineralization:

Bad Bacteria & Plaque

Dental plaque is a thin, sticky film that naturally forms on our teeth. It consists of bacteria colonies that feed on sugars and carbohydrates from the foods we consume.

As they metabolize these sugars, they produce acids as byproducts. These acids can gradually erode the minerals, primarily calcium and phosphate, from our teeth which leads to demineralization.

Regular brushing and flossing help remove dental plaque, reducing the presence of acid-producing bacteria and their harmful effects on enamel.

Dietary Acids

Consuming acidic foods and beverages can directly introduce acids into our mouths, disrupting our oral pH.

For example, citrus fruits, carbonated sodas, and fruit juices are naturally acidic. When these acidic substances come into contact with tooth enamel, they can weaken the enamel's mineral structure, making it more susceptible to demineralization.

Limiting the intake of acidic foods and practicing good oral hygiene can help mitigate the impact of these dietary acids on teeth.

Poor Oral Hygiene

A dirty teeth

Inadequate oral hygiene practices, such as infrequent or insufficient brushing and flossing, can lead to dental plaque accumulating on tooth surfaces.

When plaque is not regularly removed, it provides a breeding ground for acid-producing bacteria. These bacteria thrive in the plaque and continuously generate acids as they metabolize sugars.

The prolonged exposure of teeth to these acids can result in demineralization, making regular and thorough oral care essential for preventing enamel damage.

Dry Mouth

Saliva is known for its ability to neutralize acids and support the remineralization of enamel. It's an essential component of your oral microbiome.

However, conditions that reduce salivary flow, such as certain medications, medical conditions, or dehydration, can leave the mouth dry. In a dry mouth environment, acids are not effectively neutralized, and the protective effects of saliva are compromised.

This can lead to an increased risk of enamel demineralization and tooth decay, making it essential for individuals with dry mouth to manage this condition effectively.

To combat dry mouth, certain toothpastes and chewing gums contain xylitol, a compound that has been proven to promote saliva production and normalize oral pH.

Acid Reflux

Conditions like acid reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD) or frequent vomiting expose teeth to stomach acids, which are highly acidic and corrosive.

When these strong acids come into contact with tooth enamel, they can rapidly erode the minerals from the enamel surface, leading to demineralization.

Individuals with these conditions are at an elevated risk of enamel damage, and managing acid reflux or vomiting episodes is crucial to protect dental health.

What is demineralization?

Demineralization is the process in which acids, often produced by the bad bacteria in our mouths, remove essential minerals like calcium and phosphate from our teeth. Through this process, our enamel surface gets weakened, and this eventually leads to tooth decay.

Without intervention, demineralization and dental decay can then progress to full blown dental caries (also known as cavities).

Preventing demineralization and promoting tooth remineralization are essential for protecting your teeth and promoting good oral health. The most populars tools for preventing demineralization include nano hydroxyapatite or fluoride toothpaste.

What is remineralization?

Remineralization is a natural tooth repair process that occurs daily inside the mouth.

It involves the repair of lost enamel through the deposition of calcium and phosphate minerals from saliva into the enamel, helping to keep teeth strong and prevent tooth decay.

This process is essential for maintaining the integrity of the teeth and is a continuous, natural repair mechanism to restore minerals to the tooth enamel.

What is remineralizing toothpaste?

Remineralizing Toothpaste

Remineralizing toothpaste is a type of toothpaste formulated with ingredients that enhance the natural process of remineralizing tooth enamel, including the ability of hydroxyapatite to reverse cavities by filling in defects and cracks in the enamel.

The primary goal of remineralizing toothpaste is to help repair and strengthen weakened enamel by depositing essential minerals, such as calcium and phosphate, back into your teeth. For example, nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste is great for remineralization because it is made of the same components as your natural tooth structure and has been shown to be effective in reversing early stages of cavities through the remineralization process.

Remineralizing toothpaste can be particularly beneficial for individuals with early signs of enamel demineralization, tooth sensitivity, or a higher risk of cavities, as hydroxyapatite reverses cavities by remineralizing tooth enamel and preventing further demineralization.

Plus, remineralization can take as little as 8 weeks.

Can you remineralize a cavity?

While tooth decay can be stopped or reversed through remineralization, true cavities cannot be remineralized and must be treated by a professional.

While some individuals suggest that cavities can be remineralized, the truth is that the "cavities" they are referring to are likely just initial stages of tooth decay and not true cavities. Ultimately, the decision to fix a cavity with a filling changes from dentist to dentist.

Thankfully, there are steps you can take at home to remineralize tooth decay and prevent it from forming, including:

How to Remineralize Teeth

To remineralizing teeth, it involves replenishing lost minerals in the tooth enamel, which can help strengthen and repair weakened areas, potentially reversing early stages of tooth decay.

One effective way to remineralize teeth is through proper oral hygiene practices, such as brushing with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets twice daily, using expandable floss and tongue scraping. This can help remove harmful substances that can otherwise lead to demineralization and tooth decay.

Additionally, by improve your lifestyle and habits, such as limiting eating starchy foods combined with reducing exposure to cigarettes and alcohol.

Therefore, incorporating these practices into your oral care routine, your teeth can remineralize and maintain a healthy smile.

Nano Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste vs Fluoride Toothpaste for Remineralization

Fluoride and nano hydroxyapatite are remineralizing agents commonly found in your toothpaste.

Fluoride toothpaste contains fluoride, a mineral that strengthens tooth enamel and helps prevent tooth decay by remineralizing weakened areas of the enamel.

On the other hand, nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste contains nano-sized particles of hydroxyapatite, a mineral that is a natural component of tooth enamel. These particles can effectively fill in microscopic defects in the enamel and help rebuild its structure, promoting remineralization.

In comparing nano hydroxyapatite and fluoride for remineralization, nano hydroxyapatite works equally as well as fluoride while posing fewer side effects.

Therefore, by choosing nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste, you can enjoy the benefits of remineralization without worrying about potential health hazards associated with fluoride.

How does nano hydroxyapatite work?

Nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste works by depositing calcium and phosphate ions back into your tooth structure. This process is effective for:

In fact, nano hydroxyapatite is a material your body already makes.

Thus, nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste is a biomimetic oral care agent that won't disrupt a healthy oral microbiome.

Benefits of Nano Hydroxyapatite

A man brushing his teeth

Nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets are making waves for all of the incredible benefits they offer for your teeth. Here in this section, we'll explore 6 of the most important ones.

Enamel Remineralization

If you're wondering how to remineralize teeth, nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste should be one of your go-to tools.

Nano hydroxyapatite functions to strengthen your enamel surface and increase the mineral density of your teeth. This process makes your teeth stronger and glossier while also decreasing your chances of tooth decay, leading to a radiant smile!

Strengthen Teeth

Nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste is effective at strengthening teeth thanks to its remineralization properties.

You see, when our teeth are exposed to acids, it can wear away at our enamel through a process called demineralization. This leads to weakened enamel, tooth decay, and even carious lesions.

Thanks to nano particles, nano hydroxyapatite toothpastes can penetrate the enamel and bond with the natural hydroxyapatite in our teeth. This remineralization process restores the lost minerals in our teeth (primarily calcium and phosphate), and makes our teeth stronger and more resistant to damage.

Further, over time, studies show that regularly using nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste can improve enamel density and hardness, which reduces your risk of erosion and decay.

Prevent Tooth Decay & Cavities

While nano hydroxyapatite does not have the same FDA approval for dental caries prevention as fluoride, studies show that it does indeed help remineralize initial caries lesions.

This process can stimulate bone growth leading to reduced chances of developing decayed enamel.

While it is true that you cannot remineralize a cavity once it has fully formed, this evidence shows that nano hydroxyapatite is effective at reversing tooth decay and preventing it from progressing.

Reduce Hypersensitivity

Even beyond caries prevention, synthetic hydroxyapatite is an effective desensitizing agent. Research shows that it is a safe material for reducing dentin hypersensitivity.

By depositing minerals into the protective layer of your teeth, hydroxyapatite toothpaste can make a significant difference in your ability to tolerate acidity, temperature, and sugar.

Whiten Teeth

Fun fact: nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste can whiten teeth.

Nano hydroxyapatite has the ability to gently remove surface stains from teeth, leading to a brighter, whiter smile. In fact, one study suggested: "[hydroxyapatite is] an effective dental whitening agent in over-the-counter oral care products for home use."

The best part about this benefit is that nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste can replace your typical abrasive whitening toothpaste which can lead to enamel damage and isn't suitable for children to use.

Fights Bad Bacteria

Nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste, unlike fluoride, has unique antibacterial properties. By selectively killing off certain strains of bacteria that disrupt your mouth, hydroxyapatite protects your teeth and gums.

Prevent Dental Fluorosis

Excessive use of fluoride products in dental care causes the discoloration of your teeth through a condition called dental fluorosis.

Therefore, switching to a more natural formula, such as nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste can help preserve the beauty of your smile.

Safe for Children

Nano hydroxyapatite is considered by many dentists as a better alternative to fluoride for children for a number of developmental and physical reasons.

For example, some researchers suggest hydroxyapatite is a promising solution early childhood caries. Further, a meta analysis concluded that, "biomimetic hydroxyapatite-containing, fluoride-free oral care products are effective in reducing dental decay, especially in children."

Finally, another study using the International Caries Detection and Assessment System concluded, at the end of a year-long trial, that hydroxyapatite toothpaste was not inferior to a fluoride control toothpaste.

How to Prevent Cavities and Reverse Tooth Decay at Home

While dental visits are crucial, there are several proactive steps you can take at home to prevent cavities and even reverse early signs of tooth decay.

Chew Xylitol Gum

Chewing xylitol gum can be an effective addition to your oral care routine. Xylitol is a natural sweetener that has been shown to reduce cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth.

When you chew xylitol gum after meals or snacks, it stimulates saliva production, which helps to neutralize acids and wash away food particles, reducing the risk of cavity formation.

Additionally, xylitol can inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria primarily responsible for tooth decay. By incorporating xylitol gum into your daily routine, you can support your efforts to prevent cavities and maintain optimal oral health.

Brush with Remineralizing Toothpaste

Remineralizing Toothpaste

Nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste contains tiny particles of a synthetic form of hydroxyapatite, a mineral naturally found in your teeth and bones.

Brushing with this toothpaste can help strengthen enamel by depositing nano hydroxyapatite particles onto the tooth surface. These particles bond with the tooth surface, fill in minor defects, and promote remineralization, forming a protective barrier over the tooth surface.

This process not only helps in filling in small defects and cracks on the tooth surface but also helps to prevent stains from adhering to the tooth surface. In fact, studies show that nano hydroxyapatite is effective at remineralizing teeth and reducing sensitivity in as little as 8 weeks.

Using nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste as part of your daily oral care routine can contribute to maintaining strong and healthy teeth.

Floss Regularly

Silk Expandable Floss

Daily flossing with expandable floss is an excellent way to remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth and along the gumline. This practice supports overall oral health and reduces the risk of enamel demineralization by preventing the buildup of harmful bacteria and acids in these hard-to-reach areas.

We recommend using expandable floss at least three times per week but preferably daily for best results.

Use a Tongue Scraper

SWIPE Tongue Scraper

Tongue scraping helps remove bacteria and debris from the tongue's surface, promoting fresher breath and reducing the presence of harmful microorganisms in the mouth.

Maintaining a cleaner oral environment can indirectly support remineralization by minimizing the impact of harmful bacteria.

Limit Sugary and Acidic Foods

Limiting the consumption of acidic and sugary foods and beverages such as wine, coffee, tea, or even vodka is crucial for preventing enamel demineralization. These items can weaken enamel and contribute to dental issues.

To prevent issues with demineralization, we recommend that you reduce your consumption of acidic and sugary foods. Further, you can also rinse your mouth out with water or alcohol free mouthwash to neutralize the acidic and restore the natural pH of your mouth.

Avoid Cigarettes and Tobacco Products

Smoking cigarettes can have detrimental effects on oral health, including an increased risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer. Quitting smoking is a significant step toward supporting both your overall and dental health.

When should I see a dentist?

If you notice any signs of tooth decay or suspect a cavity, it's essential to see a dentist promptly.

Once a cavity forms and progresses past tooth decay, toothpaste alone cannot remineralize it effectively.

Seeking professional dental care is necessary for appropriate treatment, such as fillings, to address the cavity and prevent further damage to the tooth.

Don't delay—schedule a dental appointment as soon as possible for early intervention and optimal oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does remineralizing toothpaste help with cavities?
Yes, remineralizing toothpaste can help with cavities by promoting the remineralization process, where minerals like calcium and phosphate are deposited back into weakened tooth enamel. While remineralizing toothpaste can be effective in reversing early stages of tooth decay and preventing further enamel breakdown, it cannot heal cavities once they have formed. For existing cavities, professional dental treatment such as fillings is typically required to restore the tooth's structure and prevent further decay. Regular use of remineralizing toothpaste can be part of a preventive dental care routine to help maintain optimal oral health and reduce the risk of developing cavities.

Can tooth decay cause bad breath?
Yes, tooth decay can cause bad breath. When cavities form, bacteria break down food particles, producing foul-smelling compounds. The decayed tooth material can also harbor these bacteria, worsening the odor. Proper dental care and treatment of cavities can help eliminate bad breath caused by tooth decay.

How long does it take to remineralize a cavity?
The time it takes to remineralize a cavity can vary depending on several factors, including the size and severity of the cavity, the individual's oral hygiene habits, and the effectiveness of the remineralization treatments used. In some cases, minor cavities or early stages of decay may show signs of remineralization within a few weeks to months with consistent use of remineralizing toothpaste or other dental products. However, larger or more advanced cavities may require longer periods of time or may not remineralize completely on their own. It's essential to consult with a dentist for an accurate assessment of the cavity and to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for remineralization and restoration of the affected tooth.

Can you Remineralize a decayed tooth?
Yes, it's possible to remineralize a decayed tooth in its early stages by following good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste, flossing, and using alcohol free mouthwash. Additionally, a diet rich in calcium and phosphates can aid in remineralization. However, if decay has progressed significantly, professional dental treatment, such as fillings or other restorative procedures, may be necessary to restore the tooth's structure and function. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for early detection and treatment of decay to prevent further damage to the tooth.

What toothpaste helps heal cavities?
Toothpaste containing nano-hydroxyapatite has shown promise in aiding the healing of early-stage cavities. Nano-hydroxyapatite is a compound similar to the minerals found in tooth enamel, making it effective in remineralizing and repairing small cavities. Look for toothpaste specifically formulated with nano-hydroxyapatite, as these products can help strengthen enamel and promote cavity healing when used as part of a regular oral hygiene routine. However, for advanced cavities, professional dental treatment may still be necessary to address the damage effectively. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for early detection and treatment of cavities to prevent further decay.

Does natural toothpaste fight cavities?
Yes, natural toothpaste can help fight cavities when it contains ingredients like xylitol, or nano-hydroxyapatite, which are known for their cavity-fighting properties. Additionally, natural toothpaste often avoids artificial additives and harsh chemicals, which can be beneficial for overall oral health. However, it's essential to check the ingredients list and ensure that the natural toothpaste you choose contains effective cavity-fighting agents. Consistent oral hygiene practices, including brushing with natural toothpaste, regular dental check-ups, and a balanced diet, are essential for preventing cavities and maintaining oral health.

Can toothpaste stop a cavity from getting worse?
Yes, remineralizing toothpaste containing nano-hydroxyapatite can help stop a cavity from getting worse by promoting the remineralization of tooth enamel, which strengthens and repairs early-stage decay. Nano-hydroxyapatite is a compound similar to the minerals found in tooth enamel, making it effective in restoring the tooth's natural structure. Regular use of this type of toothpaste, along with proper oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups, can aid in halting the progression of cavities and preventing further damage to the tooth.

NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets

NOBS Toothpaste Tablets

Regular price$40
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NOBS is everything toothpaste should be - all the good stuff, and none of the junk.

Fluoride Free
Never any fluoride, and no harsh abrasives.

We used the magical remineralizing power of 5% nano-hydroxyapatite to protect your teeth long-term. It's the safest alternative to fluoride!

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Thanks to our unique blend of natural ingredients, NOBS will make your breath as fresh as you look. Instead of gross sweeteners that cover up a natural slightly bitter aftertaste, our organic mint will leave you so kissable. Trust us, your date will thank you.

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This product is not suitable for pets. Humans only, please!

While xylitol is great for supporting the human oral microbiome, it can be toxic to pets. Please keep NOBS away from your furry friends, and contact your veterinarian immediately if consumed by your pet.

Fluoride Free Toothpaste Tablets
