Can Hydroxyapatite Reverse Cavities?

No, hydroxyapatite cannot reverse cavities. While tooth decay can be stopped or reversed through remineralization by hydroxyapatite, true cavities cannot be remineralized by hydroxyapatite and must be treated by a professional.

While some individuals suggest that cavities can be reversed by remineralization from hydroxyapatite, the truth is that the "cavities" they are referring to are likely just initial stages of tooth decay and not true cavities. Ultimately, the decision to fix a cavity with a filling changes from dentist to dentist.

Thankfully, there are steps you can take at home to reverse tooth decay, and prevent it from forming, including:

In this article, we will find out what hydroxyapatite toothpaste is and explore its ability to reverse cavities.

What is hydroxyapatite toothpaste?

Hydroxyapatite is used in many forms including toothpaste. Hydroxyapatite toothpaste is an innovative oral care product that harnesses the power of hydroxyapatite, a naturally occurring mineral found in your tooth enamel surface.

These hydroxyapatite toothpastes work by depositing calcium and phosphate ions back into your tooth surface. Research has shown that this can make your teeth stronger by filling in minerals, which is good for your dental health.

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste offers a fluoride-free alternative for maintaining your optimal oral health, making it suitable for individuals with fluoride sensitivities.

Additionally, hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets are equally as effective as traditional toothpaste but offer the added benefits of being better for the environment and more convenient for travel due to their compact and mess-free nature.

How Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Works

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste works through its ability to stimulate a process called remineralization. Essentially, hydroxyapatite particles restore and strengthen our tooth enamel by depositing calcium phosphate ions.

You see, when our enamel is exposed to acids produced by the bacteria that naturally live in our mouths or dietary acids/sugars, it can become demineralized. This leads to weakened enamel, tooth sensitivity, and tooth decay. If left untreated, that tooth decay can progress into full blown dental caries.

Since hydroxyapatite is a biomimetic compound and closely mimics the natural mineral composition of our teeth, it is easily able to remineralize enamel and protect us from all kinds of dental issues.

Plus, studies also show that hydroxyapatite toothpaste can prevent plaque buildup which can otherwise lead to tartar development and cavities. Further, more research suggests that hydroxyapatite can also whiten teeth as the tooth remineralization process may remove surface stains.

What is a cavity, and how does it form?

Cavities, also known as dental caries, are common dental problems characterized by structural damage to the teeth. In fact, the World Health Organization reports they're the most common disease in the world.

Cavities form due to a complex interplay of different factors within your oral microbiome. You see, we all have harmful bacteria naturally present in our mouths that form a sticky film called "dental plaque" on our teeth. When we consume sugary foods or acidic fruits, for example, the bacteria feed on the sugars and then produce acid as a byproduct.

Then, the acid produced attacks our enamel, initiating a process that we call demineralization. Over time, demineralization leads to the initial stage of cavity formation which can result in the development of small openings in our enamel. The openings get progressively larger and eventually penetrate deeper into the tooth, causing symptoms like sensitivity and discomfort.

To reverse tooth decay, we use tools like nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste to stimulate a process called remineralization (aka the opposite of demineralization).

Do cavities heal themselves?

No, cavities do not heal themselves. Studies suggest that cavities cannot be repaired naturally as they result from structural damage to the enamel caused by bacterial acid production in the mouth. Once a cavity forms, professional dental treatment, such as fillings, becomes necessary to address the damage.

However, the early stages of tooth decay can be effectively addressed by remineralizing agents such as hydroxyapatite, which restores minerals to the tooth structure, promoting enamel remineralization.

Therefore, maintaining good oral hygiene practices, including brushing with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste, regular flossing, and limiting sugary foods and drinks, is crucial to prevent cavities from worsening.

Does hydroxyapatite fight cavities?

Although hydroxyapatite cannot directly reverse cavities, research indicates that it can aid in the remineralization process and prevent the progression of tooth decay.

Toothpastes containing hydroxyapatite and nano hydroxyapatite provide calcium and phosphate ions that can integrate into the tooth structure, forming a protective layer against further demineralization. This process plays a critical role in preventing and treating tooth decay as hydroxyapatite can replenish the mineral loss in enamel, thus restoring and strengthening your teeth.

Further, the use of hydroxyapatite-based products, including toothpastes, offers an opportunity to restore minerals in teeth and prevent decay in a safe way. Conversely, the excessive use and ingestion of fluoride products can lead to adverse effects in some individuals.

So, while hydroxyapatite and nano hydroxyapatite may not directly reverse cavities, they serves as valuable tools in promoting oral health by remineralizing enamel and preventing decay.

Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Benefits

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets are making waves for all of the incredible benefits they offer for your teeth. Here in this section, we'll explore some of the most important ones.

Promotes Enamel Remineralization

A white teeth

Studies show that hydroxyapatite toothpaste promotes dental enamel remineralization, effectively repairing and strengthening your tooth enamel.

This natural mineral compound is able to reverse early enamel erosion and fight tooth decay by replenishing essential minerals, such as calcium and phosphate.

In fact, in comparing hydroxyapatite vs fluoride, hydroxyapatite toothpaste is scientifically proven to be just as effective as fluoride at remineralizing teeth.

Soothes Hypersensitivity

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste has the ability to soothe tooth sensitivity.

This toothpaste works by creating a protective layer over the exposed dentin, which reduces the transmission of external stimuli to the nerve endings, thereby lessening the pain associated with tooth sensitivity.

Plus, it can greatly enhance your ability to tolerate acidity, temperature, and sugar, ultimately improving the overall oral health and quality of life if your having dentin hypersensitivity.

Prevents Tooth Decay

a woman showing tooth cavity model

Research indicates that hydroxyapatite does indeed help prevent tooth decay.

It works by inhibiting plaque-causing bacteria and remineralizing initial caries lesions, making it an effective option for preventing tooth decay.

Compared to fluoride toothpastes, hydroxyapatite toothpaste offers a natural alternative for preventing tooth decay. It provides similar cavity prevention benefits without the potential side effects of fluoride.

Fights Plaque-Causing Bacteria

Studies indicate that hydroxyapatite toothpaste acts as a natural defense against plaque-causing bacteria, helping to prevent the formation of oral biofilm.

Unlike fluoride, hydroxyapatite has a unique antibacterial properties. By selectively killing off certain strains of bacteria that disrupt your mouth, hydroxyapatite protects your teeth and gums.

Additionally, hydroxyapatite disrupts biofilm, thereby reducing your risk of developing demineralization and gum issues.

Naturally Compatible with Your Teeth

Another remarkable benefit of hydroxyapatite toothpaste is its natural compatibility with your teeth.

Because the composition of hydroxyapatite closely resembles the minerals found in tooth enamel, it provides your teeth with the necessary minerals making it an ideal choice for maintaining healthy enamel.

Plus, unlike other toothpaste options, hydroxyapatite does not introduce foreign substances to your teeth.

Safe Alternative to Fluoride

A family brushing their teeth

If you are aware of the potential risks associated with fluoride, studies have shown that hydroxyapatite toothpaste provides a safe and effective alternative.

Fluoride toothpastes have been widely used for decades to prevent tooth decay. However, research indicates that excessive fluoride consumption, especially during early childhood, can lead to dental fluorosis and toxicity.

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste, on the other hand, does not contain fluoride, but offers comparable efficacy in reversing tooth decay, strengthening the teeth, and inhibiting the growth of plaque-causing bacteria.

Fights the Development of Dental Caries

Bacteria in Mouth

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste offers an effective solution in the fight against dental caries.

Through its unique composition, this toothpaste can remineralize and strengthen your weakened tooth structures, effectively combatting caries lesions and preventing further damage.

This preventive dentistry approach is particularly valuable in reducing the risk of tooth loss and the need for extensive dental treatments. By using hydroxyapatite toothpaste regularly, you can actively support your oral health and protect your teeth from the harmful effects of dental caries.

However, please note that while the literature shows hydroxyapatite can reverse demineralization, it cannot reverse a cavity once the cavity has been formed.

Promotes Good Oral Health

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste promotes good oral health by addressing various dental concerns effectively.

Studies have shown that hydroxyapatite enhances enamel remineralization, strengthens tooth structure, and inhibits the growth of plaque-causing bacteria.

It has a natural antibacterial properties contribute to a healthier oral environment, reducing the risk of gum disease and other oral infections.

Therefore, by incorporating hydroxyapatite toothpaste into your daily oral care routine, you can effectively protect your gums, prevent oral diseases, and maintain strong, healthy teeth.

Brightens Teeth

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste also offers the benefit of brightening teeth through its gentle and effective stain removal properties.

In vitro study states that hydroxyapatite toothpaste effectively removes surface stains from teeth, resulting in a brighter and whiter smile.

Unlike abrasive whitening toothpaste that may contain SLS and can cause enamel damage, hydroxyapatite toothpaste gently polishes the teeth, revealing their natural brightness without compromising enamel integrity.

This fluoride-free toothpaste is an excellent option for people with sensitive teeth who may experience discomfort or sensitivity when using traditional whitening products.

To experience the brightening effects of hydroxyapatite toothpaste, incorporate it into your daily oral care routine. Brushing your teeth twice a day with this natural toothpaste can help you achieve a radiant smile while promoting overall oral health.

Stabilizes Your Oral pH

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste offers the distinct advantage of stabilizing your oral pH, contributing to a healthier mouth environment.

Research indicates that hydroxyapatite is resistant to acid, allowing it to effectively buffer the pH levels in your mouth. This means that even when acidic substances are consumed, such as citrus fruits or carbonated beverages, hydroxyapatite can help maintain a more neutral pH, reducing the risk of enamel erosion and promoting overall oral health.

By stabilizing your oral pH, hydroxyapatite toothpaste aids in preserving tooth enamel and minimizing the likelihood of dental issues like cavities and tooth sensitivity.

Therefore, incorporating hydroxyapatite toothpaste into your oral care routine can lead to a more balanced and resilient oral environment, supporting long-term dental wellness.

Is hydroxyapatite toothpaste better than fluoride for treating cavities?

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste is as effective as fluoride toothpaste in preventing cavities.

A study published showed that hydroxyapatite achieved comparable efficacy with fluoride in remineralizing initial caries and preventing demineralization. Another study found that hydroxyapatite toothpaste remineralized deeper enamel layers than fluoride toothpaste.

Plus, one such study highlighted that hydroxyapatite toothpaste can act not only on the surface of the enamel but also penetrate into the microcracks of the enamel, thereby reducing your risk of developing cavities.

Furthermore, clinical trials suggest that long-term use of hydroxyapatite toothpaste can improve the overall condition of our teeth, strengthen enamel, and reduce tooth sensitivity. While overconsuming of fluoridated toothpaste poses potential risks such as dental fluorosis, no reported adverse risks  have been associated with hydroxyapatite.

Overall, these results indicate that hydroxyapatite toothpaste can be a safe and effective alternative to fluoride toothpaste for treating initial caries lesion.

What else can you do to prevent cavities?

To prevent cavities effectively, it is important to adopt a comprehensive oral care routine. We can take measures such as:

Specifically, brushing your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each with nano hydroxyapatite and a soft-bristled toothbrush will help remove plaque and disrupt the growth of harmful bacteria.

In fact, nano hydroxyapatite is a biomimetic agent that mimics the natural composition of our permanent teeth and supports remineralization.

By incorporating these preventative measures into your oral care routine, you can significantly reduce the risk of cavities and maintain excellent oral hygiene. Remember, prevention is the key to long-term dental health.

Is hydroxyapatite toothpaste safe?

Yes, hydroxyapatite, alongside its smaller cousin nano hydroxyapatite, is safe to use in toothpaste. In fact, research indicates that nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste may have fewer safety concerns compared to fluoride toothpaste.

Nano hydroxyapatite particles and hydroxyapatite particles do not induce toxicity the way overconsumption of fluoride can. This is particularly important for certain populations such as:

  • pregnant women

  • children

  • people prone to tooth decay and cavities

  • people who live in environments with high fluoride concentrations in the water

This is likely because nano hydroxyapatite particles are biomimetic and safe as they are already a substance naturally present in our teeth, which makes them less likely to cause any harm when use.

Therefore, choosing nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets can be your ideal step, as they are safe for children and offer a gentle yet effective approach to oral health for everyone.

What's the most effective concentration of hydroxyapatite in toothpaste?

The most effective concentration of hydroxyapatite in toothpaste is 5% nano hydroxyapatite.

While some brands may suggest that 10% nano hydroxyapatite is necessary for remineralization, research indicates that 5% nano hydroxyapatite is actually more effective than higher concentrations due to aggregation issues seen at higher levels.

Another study showed that 5% and 10% nano hydroxyapatite dentifrices were equally effective at remineralizing teeth.

While some studies show the efficacy of 10% nHA toothpaste, one potential issue is the aggregation property of nano hydroxyapatite at higher concentrations which may reduce bioavailability.

Because of this aggregation property, a recent study found that 5% nano hydroxyapatite is more effective at remineralization than 10%. Further, because nano hydroxyapatite is such an expensive material, it is likely that brands formulating it at a 10% concentration are using the cheapest version: needle-shaped nano hydroxyapatite.

As of 2024, needle-shaped nHA is banned in the European Union due to safety concerns.

In contrast, biöm uses safe 5% rod-shaped nano hydroxyapatite in our toothpaste tablets, and all of our toothpaste is manufactured in FDA-compliant facilities.

Summary: Hydroxyapatite and Cavities

All in all, while hydroxyapatite toothpaste cannot reverse true cavities, it plays a crucial role in preventing tooth decay and remineralizing early-stage decay.

That said, to prevent the development of cavities in the first place, we can support the natural remineralization process by brushing with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste, tongue scraping, expandable flossing and limit sugary food and drinks.

So, while we cannot remineralize cavities, we do have the ability to prevent tooth decay from forming in the first place through a proper oral care routine and lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does hydroxyapatite cure cavities?
Hydroxyapatite does not cure cavities in the traditional sense. However, it has been shown to remineralize initial caries lesions, which are early signs of tooth decay. Remineralization involves restoring minerals such as calcium and phosphate to the tooth enamel, potentially reversing the initial stages of decay and strengthening the enamel. So while hydroxyapatite may not fully cure cavities, its ability to remineralize teeth can help prevent further decay and restore some of the damage caused by early tooth decay.

How long does it take for hydroxyapatite to work?
Hydroxyapatite starts working immediately after application. In minutes, it can begin to reduce tooth sensitivity and initiate the remineralization process, which is crucial for promoting healthier teeth. Over time, with consistent use according to our recommended guidelines, hydroxyapatite can contribute to strengthening tooth enamel and improving overall dental health.

Does remineralizing teeth reverse cavities?
Remineralizing teeth can help reverse the early stages of tooth decay by restoring minerals like calcium and phosphate to the tooth enamel. This process strengthens the enamel and may halt or even reverse the progression of initial cavities. However, it's important to note that once a cavity has progressed beyond the initial stages and has resulted in permanent damage to the tooth structure, remineralization alone may not be sufficient to reverse the cavity. In such cases, additional dental interventions such as fillings may be necessary to restore the tooth's integrity.

Can Tooth Decay Cause Bad Breath?
Yes, tooth decay can cause bad breath. When cavities form, bacteria break down food particles, producing foul-smelling compounds. The decayed tooth material can also harbor these bacteria, worsening the odor. Proper dental care and treatment of cavities can help eliminate bad breath caused by tooth decay.

Which toothpaste reverses cavities?
No toothpaste can reverse cavities once they have formed. However, toothpaste containing ingredients such as hydroxyapatite can help prevent cavities by strengthening tooth enamel and promoting remineralization of early-stage decay. It's essential to use toothpaste regularly as part of your oral hygiene routine, along with brushing, expandable flossing, tongue scraping and regular dental check-ups, to maintain optimal oral health and prevent cavities from forming.

Can you remineralize a cavity?
No, but remineralization can potentially reverse early stages of tooth decay by restoring minerals to the enamel. Some toothpaste formulations, particularly those containing nano hydroxyapatite, have shown promise in promoting remineralization. However, once a cavity has progressed significantly, remineralization alone may not be effective, and dental interventions like fillings may be necessary.

Which toothpaste is best for a cavity?
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets are a great choice for preventing cavities because they contain nano-hydroxyapatite (n-HA), a natural and safe ingredient that helps remineralize and strengthen tooth enamel. Unlike fluoride, n-HA works by mimicking the mineral structure of your teeth, providing effective cavity protection. Its tablet form also makes it eco-friendly and convenient for daily use.

How can I save my teeth from cavities?
To save your teeth from cavities, practice good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day with a toothpaste like NOBS Toothpaste Tablets that contain nano-hydroxyapatite (n-HA), which helps strengthen enamel. Floss daily to remove plaque between teeth, and limit sugary snacks and drinks that can contribute to decay. Regular dental check-ups also help catch and prevent cavities early.

NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets
NOBS Toothpaste Tablets

NOBS Toothpaste Tablets

Regular price$40
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NOBS is everything toothpaste should be - all the good stuff, and none of the junk.

Fluoride Free
Never any fluoride, and no harsh abrasives.

We used the magical remineralizing power of 5% nano-hydroxyapatite to protect your teeth long-term. It's the safest alternative to fluoride!

Unlike messy tube toothpaste, NOBS are easy to store and use anywhere.

Thanks to our unique blend of natural ingredients, NOBS will make your breath as fresh as you look. Instead of gross sweeteners that cover up a natural slightly bitter aftertaste, our organic mint will leave you so kissable. Trust us, your date will thank you.

Cleans Effectively Without Damaging Enamel

With an enviable RDA of 21.38, NOBS Toothpaste Tablets are intentionally designed to help you gently buff out surface stains and break up plaque biofilm without causing damage to your enamel. Thanks, baking soda!

Flex on TSA

NOBS toothpaste tablets don’t apply to the 3.4oz limit. Fly with confidence that you won’t be condemned to a dirty mouth while you travel.

No Mess

Never worry about your toothpaste tube exploding over your other toiletries. NOBS toothpaste tablets come in an air-tight glass jar, free of plastic and without the mess. Unscrew, chew, and renew your mouth.

No Plastic

We want you to disrupt your brushing routine, not your endocrine system. Unlike other brands, our product is free of all plastics and BPAs.

Perfect Size

NOBS toothpaste tablets are individual and perfectly dosed. No more squeezing, no more tube sliding against the edge of your sink and definitely no wasted toothpaste.

Safe for Children

Protecting little ones is our top priority. NOBS provides the safest oral care for pregnant women and their families. Just monitor and ensure that your child can chew and swallow safely before introducing them to NOBS.

This product is not suitable for pets. Humans only, please!

While xylitol is great for supporting the human oral microbiome, it can be toxic to pets. Please keep NOBS away from your furry friends, and contact your veterinarian immediately if consumed by your pet.

Fluoride Free Toothpaste Tablets
